Monday, September 3, 2012

What are some tips for bottle-feeding an orphaned kitten?

Taking care of a baby kitten is no easy task. It will need to be bottle-fed every two to three hours, day and night, for several weeks. You can find kitten milk replacement and special bottles at your local pet store. Hold the kitten gently and burp it after each feeding.

Keep your kitten warm, clean, and dry. Experts recommend placing a heating pad under one corner of the nesting box, so the kitten can stay snuggly warm, but can move away if it gets too hot.

After each feeding, gently stimulate the kitten's bottom with a sterile cotton ball dipped into warm water to encourage elimination, which kittens cannot do on their own until they are about four weeks old.

– Dr. Larry McDaniel, DVM for the “Purina® Animal Instincts” Podcast Series

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