Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Managing Weight Gain in Pigs

By Dr. Kevin Burgoon
It is not enough to merely weigh enough to make the minimum weight, or just barely slip in under the maximum weight when showing pigs. The pig MUST look it's absolute best when it takes it's first step into the show ring. Anything less is unacceptable.

So, how do we accomplish this task? The best method to arrive at the weight you desire for your pig and have it looking it's best, is to think about this when you purchase your pig. Beginning to think about this with 10 days or less until show time is poor planning, and a design for failure.

Progressive judges are selecting modern showpigs that are fresh, full, youthful, muscular, and are shown at about 6 months of age. So, the best way to limit the aggravation and mental anguish of holding a pig for extended periods of time is to purchase appropriately aged pigs. Pay attention to the date of birth, and use the days until weigh in at your show to calculate the age the pig will be at that time. If you find a really good pig that will be 7 months old at weigh in, select another that will be the right age.

Hand feeding your pigs will result in most control over weight gain. Allow your pig to grow fairly normally until at least 150 lbs. It is important to feed the correct amount of feed daily. Under feeding the pig will result in poor growth performance and underweight pigs with inferior muscling and body condition.

Below is a table containing the daily feeding rate for Honor® Show Chow® grow/finish products, to produce normal growth and development:

Honor® Show Chow® Feed 50-100 lbs 100-150 lbs 150-200 lbs 200-250 lbs
Showpig Grower 3.5-4 lbs 4-5 lbs 5-6 lbs 6-7 lbs
Showpig Finisher 4-5 lbs 4.5-6 lbs 5.5-6 lbs 6-7 lbs
Showpig 16 5-6 lbs 6-7 lbs 6-7 lbs

By feeding the correct amounts per day you will ensure your pig will have the proper nutrition to adequately express its genetic roadmap. If nutrition is limited early on before the pig reaches about 150 lbs, the pig will not have the opportunity to reach its genetic potential for muscle and frame size. In addition, the pig might well be permanently programmed for a negative outcome.

Okay, you purchased an appropriately aged pig and just happened to grow fast and efficiently. You find yourself in this situation:

Maximum weight limit - 280 lbs
Weight of your pig - 240 lbs
Days until show - 45
Pig needs muscle shape
Pig needs help with rib shape
Pig needs more cover

Since the pig needs more muscle shape, Paylean® Premix will be fed for the final 14 – 21 days. Paylean® Premix will greatly increase growth rate. So, the pig will need to grow a little slower prior to being fed Paylean® Premix to manage weight.

The pig also needs help with rib shape. High Octane® Depth Charge® will help greatly with adding gut fill and rib shape. The pig will also need to be fed an energy supplement to increase body condition or cover.

The following is a list of products that will be needed to manage weight gain and have the pig looking it's best on show day:

Honor® Show Chow® Powerfill®
High Octane® Champion Drive® Topdress
High Octane® Power Fuel®
High Octane® Showpig Paylean® Premix
High Octane® Depth Charge®
High Octane® Heavy Weight™

The basic principle behind slowing growth and keeping the pig fresh, muscular and youthful appearing is to meet it's daily nutrient requirements in as small a daily feeding rate as possible. In that way the pig remains looking great, but cannot grow fast because of the small daily meals.

Another very important point to remember is the pig will lose some weight during the transportation to the show. At any one time during the feeding period, a pig will have somewhere between 6 and 8 lbs of feed in it's digestive tract. When the pig is transported to show, it empties the contents of the digestive tract along with losing some water weight in the form of urination. Conservatively, the average pig will lose 5 lbs during transportation. Add this weight onto the weight the pig can gain before going "overweight."

Remember the goal is to have your pig looking its absolute best on show day. A great feeding program and exercise regimen are vital components to managing weight gain and keeping your pig at its peak and ready for the show ring.

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